Congregations everywhere are shrinking. This is not news, but it is an unfortunate reality. As many as 3500 churches close in a given year. For the congregation, it is a painful, even traumatic process. For some it is devastating and filled with conflict and unresolved grief. But with good guidance, a loving presence and some practical tools, it can be an experience of purpose and mission and even, resurrection. Recently, a few concerned people from within the UCC including AUCCIIM gathered to discuss how intentional interim ministers might best serve these struggling congregations. The result of the conversations was a Webinar, aired live on September 28, 2017. Participation was limited to 50 and registration filled quickly. The presenters were two people with deep interim roots as well as experience with church closure. Gail Irwin, an interim minister who took the time to do research on closures and share both her own experience and what she learned from many others in her book, Toward the Better Country: Church Closure and Resurrection. Jonathan New, former interim minister and now ACM in Massachusetts with involvement in church closure and legacy situations. David Schoen hosted from his current position with the Church Building and Loan Fund, where he produced the resource “Living Legacy: Church Legacy and Closure.” Participants in the live webinar were able to obtain these two resources as part of the registration fee. Although it is not possible to offer free access to these resources to those who were not able to participate that day, we can offer the webinar to you. The video version of the webinar is available here. An audio only version is also available if you need a smaller data package. To accompany either of these, but especially the audio, the power point presentations are available below. We hope these are of benefit to you in your ministries. We would also love to hear your stories and insights. Please send these to Marlea Gilbert, who will be sure they get to all the planning team and will post them to this website as appropriate.